We’ve moved the rest of this blog…Please join us there

We’ve moved the rest of this blog to our website so that we can bring you much more content and have more flexibility. You can find all the original postings, combined with our alaska blog here:


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Debbie
    May 10, 2012 @ 11:53:48

    I read your blog about your finish on your log home. Can you tell me the name of it as I am about to do a log home and nothing seems to last around here. I’m in the deep woods of Ontario.


    • rvfulltimers
      May 10, 2012 @ 14:54:27

      It is called Extreme Weather. Lowes used to carry it in Alaska, but I don’t know if they do anymore. You’ll want to make sure to either pressure wash (carefully) your mold off or sand it off (carefully), then wash the dust off and cover it with Extreme Weather Log Cabin stain. I bought it in the big buckets. Much cheaper that way.
      Hope this helps.


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